Nov 19, 2021 | Uncategorized

We are so excited to get back to touch footy from Tuesday 7 December but we must ensure we do not get complacent and continue to follow the current NSW Health Public Health Order to keep us all as safe as possible.
We want community sport to continue and to ensure that happens, we need everyone to commit to all of the following requirements.
🟪 Do not attend if you are 16 years or older and are NOT fully vaccinated against COVID-19
🟪 Do not attend if you are unwell
🟪 Do not attend if you are a close contact of confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19
🟪 Do not attend if you are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test
🟪 Additional spectators are not permitted only Parents/Carers/siblings.
🟪 As soon as you arrive at the fields, sign in using the QR code’s. Posters will be everywhere around the fields. Don’t forget to sign out when you leave.
🟪 Our Junior & Senior Comps will be following the ARRIVE – PLAY- LEAVE protocols. Therefore, do not arrive more than 10 minutes prior to the start of your game. Head straight to your field and at the completion of your child’s game, please vacate the fields to allow the teams for the next timeslot to enter.
🟪 Only team managers will be able to collect the team shirts from the clubhouse
🟪 Our canteen is open, external front window service only, so please ensure you adhere to social distancing regulations of 1.5m when in the queue and anywhere around our fields if you are in close proximity to others who are not from the same household.
🟪 Masks MUST be worn by everyone 12 years or older in all INDOOR areas. This includes toilets, and inside clubhouse/referees room.
🟪Sanitise your hands prior to and at the end of the game
🟪 Don’t share water bottles
🟪 Don’t give high 5s or shake hands at end of game
🟪 Referees – Don’t share whistles
🟪 Please also ensure your read the attached flyer that covers all requirements in more detail.
We thank everyone for your support and understanding.

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