Junior State Cup Northern cancelled

Feb 23, 2022 | Junior Touch, Representative

For the third consecutive year, NSW Touch Association (NSWTA) has been forced to abandon the Junior State Cup Northern conference.

Eight teams from Mudgee Touch had been preparing for this event since last year but like the rest of the NSW Touch community, have been left devastated by the news.

Read the full press release from NSW Touch general manager Dean Russell below:

The Port Macquarie region was hit with the same weather event that struck the east coast of NSW and Queensland on Tuesday, February 22.
This weather event inundated the playing fields with a significant rainfall. The predicted 6-8ml was replaced with 56ml.
Further storms and showers have continued to move through the area intermittent with sunshine. The impact has resulted in significant flooding affecting most fields.
The forecast for later today, tonight, and Thursday, February 24, is for further rainfall possibly between 40-50ml over that period. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are all predicted to receive rain, however not as heavy.
Due to the weather conditions, we today conducted an inspection of all 29 fields, as did Port Macquarie Hastings Council. Some fields are currently deemed unplayable. The view of the experienced ground staff was that even without any further rain, it was likely that six fields would already be put of play.
It is the view of NSWTA staff that given the considerable pools of water and softness of the fields, significant impact on the playing surfaces would result in a number of further fields being taken out of action fairly soon after competition commencement.
The Board met at 1.00pm today to be briefed by senior staff on the current situation in Port Macquarie.
After reviewing photos, video and taking into consideration the predicted weather forecasts from six (6) weather outlets monitored by the NSWTA, and the further impact this would have, the regrettable and sad decision has been made to cancel the 2022 Junior State Cup Northern Conference. It was felt best that an early decision is made to aid the participants and their families with planning.
A full refund of the event registration will be provided to all registered participants and the NSWTA will be in contact with Affiliates as to how this will occur.
The NSWTA will now consider their venue options moving forward for the 2023 event.
We are more than aware that this decision will cause disappointment, frustration, and some anger. Please understand that the decision is not taken lightly or without consideration of all alternatives.
It has been taken at the earliest opportunity post the weather event which struck the area yesterday. Note also that your disappointment is shared by staff and the Board.
These decisions are difficult, not taken lightly, and done so in considering all information available at the time.
It leaves us, as it no doubt leaves you with a very hollow feeling.
Dean Russell – NSW Touch Association General Manager

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