Start date change for competitions

Start date change for competitions

Whilst we understand these are challenging times and we are all keen get back to some normality and back on the field, Mudgee Touch Association has made the decision to delay the commencement of all junior and senior competitions for 2021. The decision was made based...
Junior State Cup venue announcement

Junior State Cup venue announcement

As you would be aware, the NSWTA recently conducted an engagement piece with our community on the structure of the Junior State Cup. The result was that the structure would remain as a Northern and Southern Conference with a State Final for 2022 and 2023. Following...
Region restructure for NSW Touch

Region restructure for NSW Touch

A bylaw of the NSWTA determines that a review of regional boundaries should occur as a minimum every four years. Over the last three review periods, the regions all agreed that the boundaries were acceptable. However, in this period, we determined a need to reassess...
Junior Mudcrabs improve every year

Junior Mudcrabs improve every year

Mudgee Mudcrabs recorded their best result at the NSW Touch Junior State Cup (JSC) with three teams making it to the finals. Mudgee sent eight teams to the JSC Southern Conference at Wagga Wagga on the last weekend of February – Boys and Girls teams in the Under...